Create an Efficient Month-End Close Process With Our Free Checklist

Month-end tends to be a sticking point for many startups, which is why we’ve simplified creating a solid, replicable month-end process!

At the end of the month, founders and accountants must run through a step-by-step workflow to complete tie-outs and journal entries, and ensure all transactions that month are recorded accurately.

A timely and predictable month-end close checklist & process is CRUCIAL for a startup so management can receive accurate financial statements as quickly as possible in order to “steer the ship” in the right direction.

Our month-end close checklist excel template was built from our experience working with hundreds of starts of all shapes, sizes and industries. We hope you can use our excel template to create a standard process and cadence for your monthly accounting.

Or have our accounting team build one for you! Learn more →

Download our Month-End Close Checklist Template

Simply fill out the form below to download our free month-end close checklist

Need help with your accounting?
Shoot us a message.

Born out of a VC fund, Graphite fully understands the strategic and financial needs of high growth companies. If you need accounting support or simply have a question about accounting at your company, feel free to connect with us!

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